Monday, August 16, 2010

Girls And Pasta

Girls are tricky!

Because when a girl likes you, you can do no wrong. You break her car window or her phone and she'll forgive you. However, if she wants, she can go completely the other direction and then nothing (I repeat in capitals: NOTHING) will be good enough

So what do you do when nothing is enough? The obvious choice is give up.

The not so obvious choice, but much more effective choice, is to learn to cook and make her something tasty. Why? Because everyone needs to eat, so sooner or later, she's going to have to give it a go.

However, then you have the potential for her to insult your cooking, leaving you a broken shell of a man, all culinary dreams banished in a moment of female furiousity!

The solution? Cook well.

Nobody, and I mean nobody can insult nice food. It goes against our self-preservation instinct. People know that if something is delicious, they must admit it, even grudgingly, because to lie about it and say it is disgusting would be to deny themselves any future of having such good food again.

With that in mind, this is a dish I cooked up last night. It takes barely any time and is light, yummy and oh so nice in the tummy.

Mushroom Pasta
Serves: 2

Grapeseed oil
1 cup sliced button mushrooms
1/2 cup sliced white onion
handful of chopped walnuts (half a handful if you have big hands)
tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves
2 cups of whatever pasta you like (I use fusilli)

1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and pour in pasta (for more information cooking pasta, see my anti-masterchef blog here

2. Pour a splash of grapeseed oil onto a shallow pan and bring to a medium heat.

3. Throw in mushroom and onion, toss frequently until they begin to soften.

4. When soft, throw in walnuts and bring heat down to a high simmer.

5. Drain pasta from saucepan.

6. Put the heat right up and throw in thyme leaves, toss around mixture for thirty seconds or until the thyme smell becomes prominent.

7. After that thirty seconds, turn heat off completely. Mix pasta well with the mixture in the pan and serve in bowls.

8. Top off serving with some light grates of cheese and a pinch of salt.

9. Serve and enjoy.

10. Glory in the returned love and devotion of the girl you have wronged.


  1. HAHAHA. love the cartoon.
    oh us girls. we can be hard to please sometimes.
    oohh! a girl loves it when a guy can cook!!


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