Now, I made that percentage up, but I don't think it would be too far fetched to assume it is somewhat accurate. I imagine (with my magical imagination ball) that this is true because of three reasons.
i) Blogging takes effort.
ii) Blogging takes time.
iii) Blogging requires some form of consistency.
Now, these three things, when you combine them, become quite the Goliath. Large and looming and seemingly unbeatable. So what do people do? Well, to stick with my biblical metaphor, people take it out David style- with a small stone.

Cue Micro-Blogging. One or two sentences, straight to the point and requiring little (if any) eloquence. Enter stage left sites like Twitter that basically allow everyone to feel like they are contributing, which in truth they are- if only in bite sized serves- and thus please the masses of attention starved people.
Is this really a good thing though? Or are we going to end up living in a world where everyone is too busy expressing their ideas to read the ideas of those around them?

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