Wednesday, July 21, 2010

spy with my little eye something beginning with 'B'

If you answered 'Blog', then you would be correct.

So, I had a flashback of the all good times I had as a child playing this game. Well "all" is a strong word, but I do distinctly remember a few instances where I excelled at this common car-trip game.

The first- and most successful, might I add- was when I was very young and struggled with sounding out different letters (a distinct advantage in the I-Spy world). We were on a long trip and it was my turn, so I said "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with W".

Well, my brother and sisters guessed and guessed until they could guess no more, my parents even joined in. At last when all had failed and they asked me to give them the answer, I proudly announced 'Wabbit'.

Me: 1.
Immediate Family: 0

However, I eventually grew up and learned to read. My 'Ignorance is Bliss' clause was thrown out the window and instead, I had to become crafty in my selection of what exactly it was I had spied.

You know those annoying people who choose a very specific, distinct, and almost unguessable aspect of something common? Well that is what I became. So you can imagine my horror when this would occasionally happen:

For those interested, the definition of a Trichome can be found here.

However, I have noticed recently that my I-Spying has become less and less frequent. This has made me sad and inspired me to write this blog post…

So when push comes to shove, if you take nothing from reading this than a desire to reminisce a little with some good old fashion 'I Spy', then my job will be done.

Is there anyone nearby? Now is the perfect time to start =)

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