Friday, September 10, 2010

What up Techno-G?

Do you ever think back to your life, say, ten or fifteen years ago? Before the internet, before Facebook, before YouTube… Before you could Google your house and see what's in your neighbours backyard? Before you could buy everything you wanted with the click of a button?

I remember trying to get a copy of Pokémon Blue for Gameboy colour. I had to wait an entire month for my local toy store to order it in- a whole MONTH! These days I could just order it online and wait 3-5 business days. Even better, I could download the game and have it instantly!

And keeping in touch with people… I don't even remember how I did it before Facebook! I have a vague recollection of it resulting in a large phone bill, so I assume a lot of texting was involved, but it's hazy at best. Facebook has become the social norm, before that there was Myspace and before that, you could just chat on MSN. How did people stay in touch before that? I'm not sure I know.

And the pure volume of information available to everyone! I can recall being amazed when I got to play with my first software based encyclopaedia. I could type in 'Dinosaur' and KABAM, there was five or six pages of information on Dinosaurs. Compare that to what we can access now and that encyclopaedia was… crap.

So, keeping all this in mind, understanding how lucky I (and anyone reading this) is to live in a time with so much information at our fingertips, I guess there's not much else to say but this:

1 comment:

  1. Ha - you're a pup! I remember the times BEFORE texting, cell phones OR the Internet. When I was young we played with dirt. ;) OK, that's a lie - I had a Speak-N-Spell, it was SUPER high-tech and I thought I was the shit.


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