Monday, September 13, 2010


My amazingly amazing sweetheart got me these today:

They are called 'Free Runs' because they have been designed on the premises that your shoe isn't structurally designed to run around in heavily padded shoes and, by using all that soft and squishy padding, you might actually be doing more harm than good- effectively blinding your feet from reacting to its surface.

So, in short, they are super light and super flexible to give you that "I'm like a little kid running around doing whatever I want at top speed and never having to slow down to do anything in the entire world ever ever ever" feeling.

The downside of this, is that they use muscles that the average-shoe-wearing joe has neglected for the majority of his average-shoe-wearing life. Therefore, Nike (and every other website I've visited for guidance) recommends you start slow, jogging only short distances or walking, until your foot becomes acclimatised to its new shell.

Regardless of that, I did 2kms this morning and just jogged out another 5km then, they make running extremely enjoyable (especially when you combine it with my newest nerdy hobby, geocaching =)


  1. Mate, I hope you're going out in those when it's dark. I understand the benefits of that style of shoe, but damn they're ugly.

  2. It's okay, all anyone ever see's is a red blur =P


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