Monday, October 22, 2012


A few days ago I was driving home with my wonderful wife and we started talking about how ridiculous it is that EVERY single villain in the DC Universe seems to have an unlimited supply of Kryptonite.

I mean seriously, kryptonite is, by definition, the meteor remains of the planet  Krypton, which is generally stated to be 50 light years  (or 473,026,420,000,000kms) from Earth. How many people do you know that own a single rock from that far away- let alone a whole arsenal of meteor infused weaponry. For me, that number is zero. I know zero people that own rocks from 50 light years away.
It’s ridiculous. My wife agrees, so that’s where that ended. Yet the curiosity center in my head got a hold of the whole ‘kryptonite’ thing and I ended up looking it up. Online.

It turns out there are quite a few types of kryptonite. The run of the mill green stuff that makes Superman weak is the most commonly known one of course, but then there’s the red rock that alters his mind so he can do whatever he wants. 

There’s gold kryptonite that takes away his powers and blue kryptonite that heals and strengthens him. Superman can develop split personalities when influenced by black kryptonite and grows paranoid when under the effects of the silver stuff.

My two favourites however for there complete and utter nonsensical nature is white kryptonite- which kills plants (Awesome!) and pink kryptonite- which (you guessed it) makes Superman develop some quite fruity tendencies… Hilarious…

Too much information to remember? Fear not, the caped crusader is here to rescue you once again... And he apologises for the typo (see if you can find it):

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