Wednesday, August 10, 2011

There's a reason why 'Food' and 'Good' only differ by a single letter!

A few of my favourite meals

For about six months this year I lived in a warehouse with a friend. It was pretty cool, I had a huge room and the shower had an almost limitless supply of hot water- but the kitchen was terrible. For starters, there were no real appliances and on top of that, bench space was scarce at best.

Needless to say, now I'm in a regular persons house with a regular persons kitchen, my love for feeding myself has once again blossomed. I figure today briefly share a few of my favourite meals.

Tangy Eggs Benedict
More or less a regular Eggs Benedict (poached eggs covered in hollandaise sauce) with the one exception being that I add a lot more lemon juice. It makes the sauce slightly thinner but it gives it a kick and makes it taste much less fattening than the traditional meal.

Lemon-Herb Salmon
I love showering fish with finely cut herbs and then topping it with lemon skin before wrapping the whole thing up in foil and throwing it in a hot oven. The foil keeps all the delicious juices from evaporating so when it comes out it falls apart in juicy citrussy goodness!

Avocado Chicken Kiev
This one is a new addition to my favourite meals and requires a little more attention than the others. Basically you have to thin out a chicken breast and roll it around some frozen herbed butter. Crumb it, cook it in oil until the crumbs are crisp and then toss it in the oven. The avocado is raw and adds a yummy freshness and the whole thing is topped with a basic cheese sauce.

Hearty Mushroom Steak
Steak, in my opinion, is the cats pyjamas of all things yummy and by far my favourite meal. Just take a nice flavourful cut of steak (I normally go with scotch fillets because of the yummy marbling) and cook it to how you desire. Then brown some mushrooms in butter and add cooking cream (healthy? ha!) and serve with any side you want. I'll normally do mash or chips with a salad.

So that's it, a yummy breakfast, lunch and dinner that (if you're anything like me) will make your tummy smile!


  1. Im STARVING!! and this food looks insanely delicious... as the eternal live-aloner for the past 5 years, my kitchen never sees any action outside of the occasional frozen pizza, late-night pasta, and rice and beans. it's pathetic. you've inspired me to try a real-people meal! xo

  2. Thank you! And hooray for inspiration! I basically started my real people eating by buying cuts of meats and different vegetables at the supermarket and experimenting from there. There's heaps of great advice on the internet and in cookbooks that you can save money on by reading in stores =P


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