Friday, August 12, 2011

Fit Ideas

The funny thing about exercise is that it's not that hard to do. A lot of times, we build it up in our heads to be this impossible, painful, agonising chore that is as much a figment of our imaginations as dragon/unicorn hybrids that breathe fire through the tip of their horn (okay, that might be a little obsessive but you get the picture, right?).

Todays post is a list of simple ideas to help you, me, that guy in Norway who occasionally stumbles online and reads this site and anyone else who is interested in being a little bit healthier.

Simple Idea #1: You're Supposed To Be Healthy
Our bodies are built to be efficient machines that work hard and recover quickly. Up until the last century or so, thousands of years passed where humans exercised their butts off just to provide the necessities (food and whatnot) just to survive and they would do it seven days a week. No weekends for cavemen! We are not made to spend days on the couch or in bed, we are made to be active, healthy individuals, it is, in rather dramatic terms, your destiny. Embrace the fact that your body is perfectly capable of standing up to rigorous exercise because that is its purpose.

Simple Idea #2: You're Supposed To Be Happy
Building on from idea #1, when you are doing what you're supposed to do, you are happy. This goes for anyone and anything. A professional cook is happy when they are cooking, a stand up comedian is happy on stage. If hammers could talk, I'm sure they'd be happy when they are hammering rebel-punk nails into submission. Therefore, if your body is built to be active and healthy, doing that will make you happy. Endorphins are the bliss inducing chemical people like to spout out here, but it's more than that- it's about the peace in knowing that you are living the way you are supposed to.

Simple Idea #3: Eating Healthy Isn't Impossible
With a plethora of fast food options on the menu and their few healthy competitors vastly overpriced, a large majority of people think eating healthy borders on the impossible. It's not. You just have to think: Fresh. Fresh food is what our heathy ancestors ate and it served them well. So next time you go to a supermarket think: 'Can I trace this food in three steps or less back to its original place in nature?'. Breads and pastas go through three steps as grain, flour then final product. Milk and butter are only a quick two steps away from the cow (as is a juicy steak). Vegetables and fruit juice are barely even a step away from their place outside. These are the foods you want to be eating. That chocolate pudding or microwave pizza, on the other hand, could be more steps than a marathon. Eat fresh and feel great.

Simple Idea #4: It's Not Easy
Ask any professional cook or hammer if they got to where they were easily. The cook will probably rant on about their years at culinary school or the overworked-underpaid apprenticeship. The hammer will probably give you something about being melted and reshaped as solid steel. Either way, just because you are supposed to do something that will make you happy doesn't make it easy. Changing a relaxing routine or swapping your favourite foods for fresher alternatives take more than a day and it's best to start slow. It's something you have to work at but it's something you'll be glad you did.

So that's my four simple ideas. Nothing too heavy but hopefully you found something thought provoking in their to ponder next time you have a long commute and left your phone at home. You're supposed to be healthy, you're supposed to be happy, eating healthy isn't impossible but it's not easy.

But it's worth it =)

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