Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Rare Political Post

I work, I pay tax. My tax goes to the Government.

This is nothing drastically out of the ordinary, 'tax', in one form or another, has existed worldwide for at least the past five thousand years (the earliest recorded case being in Egypt between 3,000 BC and 2,800 BC) and I am happy to live with that.

However, what does make me not quite so happy is when I see the Government that I (and the 21 million other residents here on this Island) support using it stupidly.

For those of you unfamiliar on the current condition of Australian Politics, here is the situation in a five point nutshell.

1. Two major parties- Labor and Liberal.

2. Labor party leader, Kevin Rudd, is ousted as Australia's Prime Minister by his own party. If Kevin Rudd was Blackbeard and the Australia Labor Party was a pirate ship, we would happily call this mutiny.

3. Julia Gillard, the second in command, takes control over Labor Party and as a result, the rest of Australia.

4. Outcry from the Australian public forces an election (nobody wants someone in charge who wasn't voted into office by the people) and Labor wins on the merit of promises such as 'No Carbon Tax'.

5. Julia Gillard, Australia's first female Prime Minister, announces a Carbon Tax, effectively backflipping on one of her most important policy's during election time.

There are more details, but I don't care to write them and (as this IS a political post) you no doubt don't care to read them. Basically, you are now caught up on the situation.

Which brings us to now... The leader of the Liberal Party, Tony Abbott has been giving ol' Prime Minister Julia Gillard grief about lying to the Australian public. Julia Gillard fires back with this:

That's right, don't use my money for healthcare, the schooling system, safer roads or even working on better Government policies! Use it to make a crappy cartoon that has no political value at all.

Because when all is said and done, I just want to fund a personal attack and a Government employed animator.


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