Friday, October 8, 2010

Foreign Food for Chumps

Today I drove past a sign that said 'Indian Food, $7.00'... Which lead to me thinking, "could this work for countries of... limited... food supply?"

Well, I ran the idea past my girlfriend and she laughed and told me I should make it into a comic.

So that is just what I did!

I feel I should put this on my list of "Potential-Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes", but I am wary of the costs of setting up a booth and the prospect of word travelling around that I don't actually sell anything...

While we're on the subject of food, this week I've decided that I am going to clean up my eating habits (at least until Christmas). I went to a fresh-produce market and bought myself a whole buttload of fruit and vegies before visiting a butcher and getting some cheap meat. I also got myself a juicer so I could replace my abundant intake of fizz with something juicier and somewhat more nutritional.

So far, I'm feeling good. It's too early for the health benefits to kick in, but the fact that I am actually doing it seems to have given me some kind of boost on its own. If you're wallowing a sea of poor nutrition and boredom, I would recommend you try it out too, if only just so you can tell me I'm wrong!

1 comment:

  1. That's fabulous!! I've always wondered when I see Ethiopian they serve bugs?


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