Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The Unicorn is a magical creature of European Folklore. It was said to be a white horse with a single horn (and occasionally a goats beard). It was a symbol of purity and grace and was still believed to exist up until the 19th century.

Five Things You May Not Have Known About Unicorns

• The original Unicorns were described by Greek scientists as being native to India.

• A Unicorn is so pure that it can only be caught by a "fair virgin".

• If pursued by hunters, a Unicorn would throw itself off a cliff and then turn its head before hitting the ground so that its magical horn would absorb the force of the impact, leaving the Unicorn unscathed and able to escape

• Elizabeth I of England owned a 'Unicorn Horn' (from a Narwhal) which she kept in her Cabinet of Curiosities.

• The royal throne of Denmark was made completely of 'Unicorn Horns'

Today, Unicorns are growing more and more awesome. They have gone from a symbol of purity to a symbol of awesomeness- games like Robot Unicorn Attack are slowly taking Unicorns from the realm of mythology and moving them into a world of radical sweet wonderfulness.


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