Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sheldon Cooper eat your heart out!

Note: The video below has issues with being embedded... Enjoy the content at YouTube by following the videos suggestion =)

Sheldon Cooper (or perhaps more accurately, Doctor Sheldon Cooper) is the theoretical physicist and general genius within the nerd-speckled comedy 'The Big Bang Theory'. Which, over the last few weeks, I have grown to enjoy.

However, last night, during a brief and hilarious moment, I discovered something…

I am smarter than Sheldon Cooper, if only for a moment.

Observe the following clip, specifically from 0.18 onwards.

"Prevening", you heard it, definition and all. Now, observe this set of entries taken from UrbanDictionary*:

Note the authors and the dates of each entry?

My entry, dated Feb 26, 2008 was a solid two years (two years and one month, to be precise) before The Big Bang Theory's entry which was posted on UrbanDictionary shortly after airing on television.

Verdict? Suck it Sheldon, I am clearly two years (and one month) ahead of you!

*Or for those who don't believe the accuracy of this image, visit this link.

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