Friday, October 22, 2010

The Looming Shadow

Exams are on the horizon, and it is getting to that point where I should start studying. Studying now would give me a decent (if not ideal) amount of time for facts and figures to sink into my brain. This would be preferable to a night of cramming which would probably just leave me stressed and basically in the same position I would've been in had I not bothered to hit the books at all.

However, in the study I have done, I've noticed a distinct trend in not only my desire to study, but in the quality of my study. I have arranged this discovery as a visual representation here:

So, this issue seems to be less about me STUDYING and more about me distancing myself from the infinite wonders of the Interweb. Of course, that is easier said than done, and chances are if it would happen, a similar graph would come about, albeit with the words "Internet Speed" replaced by "Quality of Television Currently Airing".

Which we all know would just end up looking like this:

1 comment:

Comments make me stronger! Rawr!